Justification - Albert N. Martin
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Albert N. Martin / Greg Nichols /
Ted Donnelly / Sam Waldron / Jeffery Smith
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Titles / MP3 files:
 Here We Stand series:   
 (excerpt)  Albert N. Martin, 1979:  
 Allentown Church Conference:  (A. N. Martin):  
 (addressed primarily to ministers via message no. 1):  
 Publican and Pharisee series:    
(excerpt)  Albert N. Martin, 1979:  
 Justification series:  Albert N. Martin, 2006-7:  
 WMV Video  
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 1689 Confession:  (series excerpt)  Greg Nichols, 1985: 
 Blessings of New Covenant:  (excerpt)  Greg Nichols  
 Doctrine of Justification:  (1981)  Greg Nichols  
 Justification by Faith:  (1983)  Greg Nichols  

 The Place of Particular Baptists in the Doctrinal   
 Development of the Church   (excerpt)  Sam Waldron 
 Historical Theology II.: Medieval to   
 Reformation Church History   (series excerpt)  Waldron 

 Justification  (conference series)  Ted Donnelly: 

 A Critique of "The New Perspective on Paul"   
 (re: Justification)   (academy Lectures)  Jeffery Smith: