A Manifesto of Trinity Baptist Church - Albert N. Martin
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A Manifesto of
Trinity Baptist Church
Albert N. Martin
Preached upon the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Trinity Baptist Church, this series “ . . is not a comprehensive statement of our major doctrines (which are set out in our Confession) or Church polity (which is set out in our Constitution), but those Biblical perspectives which we believe are absolutely essential to our remaining a true church of Christ.” The purpose is “to lay bare the foundational issues which have shaped our first 25 years together, and then to issue a fresh summons of commitment to the Lord Jesus himself and to these principles insofar as they are Biblical, that we might preserve and pass them on to the rising generations.”
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Titles / MP3 files:
 TENET 1  
Christ Shall Have His Rightful Place in His Church:
 TENET 2  
Scripture Shall Mold Our Faith and Practice:
 TENET 3  
We Shall Maintain a God-Centered Climate:
 TENET 4  
We Shall Affirm the Unique Place of the Church:
 TENET 5  
We Shall Strive For a Converted Membership:
 TENET 6  
We Shall Pursue Biblical Standards for Officers:
 TENET 7  
We Shall Validate The Life-from-Death Principle:
 TENET 8  
We Shall Preserve an Ungrieved Holy Spirit:
 TENET 9(a)  
Balanced New Testament Perspective on Conversion:
 TENET 9(b)  
Balanced N.T. Perspective on the Christian Life:
 TENET 10  
Our Biblical Duty Towards the Rising Generations:
(Note, these last two messages are not listed in the Trinity Pulpit catalogue as part of the Manifesto series. However, as can be heard by listening to them, they are a continuation of the "Three Crucial Questions" which began in sermon #113. These two SS lessons address the third of these "Three Crucial Questions")